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The book "First Term at Malory Towers" is the first in a series about the students of a boarding school for girls. Written by Enid Blyton between 1946 and 1952, the series follows the character Darrell Rivers and her three new friends as they navigate their way through school life. The school itself is a castle with four separate boarding houses - North Tower, South Tower, West Tower, and East Tower.
The story begins with Darrell leaving her home and travelling to Malory Towers with her mother. She is excited but nervous to start at a new school and feels lonely when her mother leaves. However, she is quickly welcomed by a friendly girl named Alicia Johns who shows her the ropes. Together, they board a special train with other Malory Towers students.
Once at school, Darrell is assigned to North Tower with her house mistress, Miss Potts. The headmistress of the school is Miss Grayling, who encourages the girls to become good, strong women. Throughout the book, Darrell makes new friends and has many exciting adventures while learning important lessons about friendship, respect, and responsibility.
Overall, "First Term at Malory Towers" is a funny and engaging book with interesting characters and a happy ending. It sets the stage for future books in the series, each of which takes place during one school year.