Предмет: Химия, автор: marifoster

Установіть відповідність між масовою часткою і масами розчинника і розчиненої

речовини :

1) 25г лугу і 75г води а)5%

2) 20г лугу і 380г води б)10%

3) 50г лугу і 450г води в)25%

4) 300г лугу і 700г води г)40%



Автор ответа: krosnik80


1) 25г лугу і 75г води - в) 25%

2) 20г лугу і 380г води - а) 5%

3) 50г лугу і 450г води - б) 10%

4) 300г лугу і 700г води - г) 40%


Для розрахунку масової частки розчиненої речовини в розчині необхідно поділити масу розчиненої речовини на масу всього розчину і помножити на 100%.

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B. Read the text and complete sentences (1 - 5) with choices (A - E) . A about doing chores B to play music C get lost in it we can't do anything nu/E to stay within your time range HOW TO DO YOUR HOUSEHOLD CHORES QUICKLY AND EASILY If you do not like household chores, you are not alone, but D to stop our parents from asking us to do it. So, either you hate or enjoy duties like washing-up, cooking, cleaning or shopping, here's a way to make them less boring and faster. use Make sure you have a radio, phone, an iPod, an MP3 or whatever gadget you can This is very essential as music gives you energy. It is best to put on some lively music, however, be careful; do not Start with the hardest ones, vacuuming or cleaning for example; you'll be less likely to complete these chores if you're already tired from doing easy ones. Time yourself, and be sure Timing yourself makes you disciplined, keeps you de- termined, and makes doing chores easier. Try not to moan or complain, it won't help them get finished any faster. Doing chores is not fun but you can make it quick and more pleasant! C. In the text above, find the words that correspond to the following definitions. the control of when something should be done timing a routine task, especially a household one a small mechanical device or tool complain or grumble, typically about something having made a firm decision and be resolved not to change it removing dirt, marks, or stains from the practice or skill of preparing food the process of washing used plates, dishes, cups and cutlery
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