На английском пожалуйста
5 спеціальних запитань
5 "так-нi" запитань
5 запитань з "хвостом"
Усього: 15
5 спеціальних запитань:
1. What is the primary cause of climate change?
2. How do astronauts cope with zero-gravity conditions in space?
3. What are the most effective treatments for depression?
4. What is the process of photosynthesis in plants?
5. How does the immune system respond to viral infections?
5 "так-ні" запитань:
1. Is it possible to travel faster than the speed of light?
2. Do dogs have a better sense of smell than humans?
3. Can humans survive without water for more than a week?
4. Is it true that all species of penguins live in Antarctica?
5. Do plants have consciousness?
5 запитань з "хвостом":
1. What are some effective ways to reduce carbon emissions, and how can individuals contribute to these efforts?
2. How has the internet changed the way people communicate, and what are some potential downsides to this shift?
3. What is the history of the relationship between the United States and Russia, and how has it evolved over time?
4. What are some of the most promising developments in renewable energy technology, and how might they shape the future of energy production?
5. How do cultural norms and values differ across different regions of the world, and what factors contribute to these differences?