Предмет: Литература, автор: volkovegor088

Р.Д.Бредбері "Все літо в один день".Придумати запитання до змісту і знати на них відповіді. Написати поради,як потрібно жити у класному колективі. СРОЧНО ДАЮ 25 БАЛОВ!!!!!!!!

sgrech925: коли літо почнеться?


Автор ответа: nikitop17102000


Питання: як називается твір?

Відповідь: "Все літо в один день"


volkovegor088: ??
Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Русский язык, автор: zizika2266
Задание 2.Выпишите из текста№2 предложения с обособленными приложениями. Пушкин в Приазовье в Приазовье Александр Сергеевич Пушкин был проездом. Он провел здесь всего лишь три дня в конце мая 1820 года. Его, ссыльного поэта, пригласила на Кавказ семья генерала Раевского, героя Отечественной войны 1812 года. С сыном генерала Пушкин дружил в юности. О местах остановок Раевского в Приазовье существуют противоречивые легенды жителей местных сел Широкино и Безыменного. Но реальны записки самого генерала в его дорожном дневнике и отметки в журналах почтовых станций. От впечатлений этой поездки появились позже в романе «Евгений Онегин» строки, посвященные юной Марии Раевской. Уже княгиня Волконская, она последует в Сибирь к мужу-декабристу, а Пушкин-поэт будет грустить и восхищаться ею в стихах. Имя и творческий путь Александра Пушкина органически связаны с пребыванием на Украине и горячо любимы не только ее прогрессивными деятелями, но и многонациональным народом Донбасса 8

помогите пожалуйста 100 балов фаст
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: sabiralikyzyajnur
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: ВладБутрим
сделайте тест срочно даю 20 баллов
№6 Reading.
Вы прочитаете пять рассказов о странных происшествиях. Укажите нужной буквой, в каком из рассказов упоминается следующее. (Рассказы могут использоваться неоднократно)

1. They heard the bad news on the phone. _______________
2. The weather changed very quickly. ________________
3. They don’t meet very often. ________________________
4. They lost their house while they were abroad. ___________
5. They were talking about their school life. _______________
6. They were walking near the lake. ______________________
7. It happened during the break. ________________________
8. He managed to take a photo. ________________________
9. There were two people in the room. ______________________
10. The dog was frightened. _____________________________
11. Sixteen people watched it. ___________________________
12. His dream came true. _____________________________

Five Strange Stories
Tony Wilson was walking his dog Sally last July when Sally suddenly stopped. “She was very upset about something,” said Tony afterwards, “but I didn’t know what it was. We were next to Red Lake, near our house. Then, 1 saw something in the lake. Sally was very scared, but I went to investigate. I couldn’t see clearly, but there was definitely something there. It wasn’t a boat, but it was about the same size as a small boat. I had my mobile phone with me, so I took a photo.” Three days later, Tony’s photo appeared in several national newspapers. No one knows what Tony saw, but people have called it “The Red Lake Monster”.
Fifteen schoolchildren were playing in the playground during the lunchtime break when one of them pointed up to the sky. Soon, all the children were looking up. Right above the playground, was a bright round object. “I don’t know what it was,” said Jilly, one of the children. “I know it wasn’t a plane, though.” Alan Craig, the teacher who was with them, also saw the object. “It stayed above us for about five minutes,” he said, “before it flew off. Was it a UFO? I suppose so, because none of us know what it was!”

Mike and Carla were watching TV when it suddenly became very cold. “It was very strange,” said Carla, “because it was the middle of summer. I put a sweater on, and we carried on watching TV. Mike saw it first. It looked just like a person, but it was grey and we could see through it. It walked all the way across the room, and through the wall! It’s the strangest thing I’ve ever seen! I don’t really believe in ghosts, but I can’t explain what we saw.”
Twelve-year-old Toby was on holiday with his parents in Italy when he said, ”1 had a weird dream last night. I dreamt our house was on fire and all my toys were destroyed.” Two hours later, Toby’s dad’s mobile phone rang. It was their next-door neigh­bour. “I’m afraid I’ve got some bad news, Carl. We don’t know how it started, but your house burnt down last night. The firemen did their best, but there’s not much left. At least no one was hurt.”
Liza and Christine were friends from school. Now in their thirties, they meet once or twice a year, usually at a restaurant in London. On one occasion, they were chatting about their days at school. “Do you remember Fiona Shaw?” asked Liza. “1 often think about her,” she said. “I wonder what happened to her.” A voice at the next table interrupted them. “Liza? Christine? I can’t believe it! It’s me. Fiona Shaw. Remember me?”