● Collect information about Amazon river dolphins and fill in the Fact File. Present Amazon river dolphins to the class. Evaluate each other's presentation. Fact File ● appearance: . • habitat: communication: • diet: • threats: 29
Fact File: Amazon River Dolphins
- Also known as boto or pink river dolphin
- Adult males can grow up to 8 feet in length and weigh up to 400 pounds
- Have a long, narrow beak-like snout
- A unique feature is their pinkish coloration which is due to their thin skin
- Found in freshwater rivers of South America, particularly in the Amazon basin
- They prefer areas with flooded forests, channels, and lagoons
- They are only found in freshwater, unlike other dolphins
- They use a wide range of vocalizations to communicate with each other, including whistles and clicks
- They also use body language, such as leaping and tail slaps, to communicate with other dolphins
- They are carnivorous and primarily feed on fish, but also eat crabs and turtles
- They use echolocation to find prey in the murky waters of the Amazon
- They are classified as a vulnerable species due to habitat loss, pollution, and hunting by humans
- They are also at risk from accidental entanglement in fishing nets and dams that disrupt their migratory patterns
Presentation Evaluation:
- Clear and informative presentation with relevant facts and details about Amazon river dolphins
- Engaging presentation style and effective use of visuals to support the information presented
- Demonstrated good knowledge of the topic and showed enthusiasm for the subject matter
- Provided opportunities for questions and discussion, and responded well to feedback and evaluation