1. Direct: He said, "I have to finish my homework today."
2. Direct: Lop said, "I saw this movie last Saturday."
3.Direct: The doctor said, "Miss Ladda is going to improve quickly."
4. Direct: Wiyada said, "I have read that book."
5. Direct: He said, "The bus will arrive on time."
6. Direct: The teacher said to Chan, "You have to write a composition for me."
7. Direct: Tin said. "I have finished it already."
8. Direct: Kalaya said, "He speaks English well."
9. Direct: Smith said, "I'll refuse his offer"
Indirect: .
10. Direct: She said. "I hope it won't rain tomorrow."
11. Direct: Henry said, "I can meet them later."
12. Direct: She said to me. "The lights have gone out."
13. Direct: I said to the clerk, "I've already paid this bill."
14. Direct: The mother said to her child, "Your father may be back tonight."
15. Direct: He said to Sompong, "I'll never speak to you again."
Ответ: В задании необходимо переделать предложения из прямой речи в косвенную.
- He said that he had to finish his homework that day.
- Lop said that she had seen that movie the previous Saturday.
- The doctor said that Miss Lada was going to improve quickly.
- Wiyada said that she had read that book.
- He said that the bus would arrive on time.
- The teacher said to Chan that he had to write a composition for her.
- Tin said that he had finished it already.
- Kalaya said that he spoke English well.
- Smith said that he would refuse his offer.
- She said that she hoped it wouldn't rain the next day.
- Henry said that he could meet them later.
- She said to me that the lights had gone out.
- I told the clerk I had already paid that bill.
- The mother told her child his father might be back that night.
- He told Tompong that he would never speak to him again.
- Косвенная речь – это пересказ чьей-то речи или своих собственных слов. Косвенная речь передается придаточным предложением с помощью союзов или без них. В этом случае запятая перед таким придаточным предложением не ставится. Также не используются кавычки.
Если говорящий передает чьи-то чужие слова, то личные местоимения I, we (1-е лицо) меняются на местоимения he, she, they (3-е лицо).
Например: 10. She said. "I hope it won't rain tomorrow."
- She said that she hoped it wouldn't rain the next day.
She said, “Oh dear, I’m so tired!” – Она сказала: “Мамочки, я так устала!” (прямая речь)
She said she was very tired. – Она сказала, что она сильно устала. (косвенная речь)
- Местоимение you (2-е лицо) в зависимости от контекста может меняться на I, we (1-е лицо) или же he, she, they (3-е лицо).
Например: 6. Direct: The teacher said to Chan, "You have to write a composition for me." - The teacher said to Chan that he had to write a composition for her.
Mark said, “You’ve done a great job, guys!” – Марк сказал: “Вы проделали отличную работу, ребята!”
Mark said that we had done a great job. – Марк сказал, что мы проделали отличную работу.
Mark said that they had done a great job. – Марк сказал, что они проделали отличную работу.
- Если говорящий пересказывает свои собственные слова, то местоимения I, we не изменяются.
Например: 13. I told the clerk I had already paid that bill.
В косвенной речи, если глагол главного предложения стоит в прошедшей форме, обязательно используются правила согласования времен. Также меняются местоимения и наречия.
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