скласти розповідь про Київ 10 речень на англійській мові
Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine and one of the oldest cities in Europe, founded at least 1,500 years ago. A modern European city can surprise anyone - from lovers of natural beauty, architecture and sights to those who prefer more intense and active recreation.
Kyiv is built on the slopes of the picturesque Dnipro River, which gives you the opportunity to admire unique panoramas of the metropolis. next to numerous modern skyscrapers, shopping, entertainment and business centers there are interesting historical buildings, monuments of art and architecture, quiet narrow streets with their own history and unique charm. there are a large number of green squares, parks, fountains, museums, universities, temples, theaters, cafes, restaurants and clubs for every taste.
like every capital, Kyiv lives a rich and turbulent life - it develops, is reconstructed, becomes better, but one thing remains unchanged - the desire to study this city and discover it from a different side every time
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