Определите основную мысль текста 2.Нужна ли колонизация Марса?

1) Главная Идея текста.
The main idea of the text is that the possibility of the existence of life on Mars has become a popular topic, mainly due to the publication of "The War of the Worlds" by Wales, the proximity of Mars to the Earth, and the discovery of water on the planet. Scientists have also fueled the intrigue by publishing pictures that suggest the presence of buildings and remains of local flora and fauna, further encouraging the exploration of Mars.
2) Нужна ли колонизация Марса?
The text does not provide a clear answer as to whether or not colonizing Mars is necessary, as it primarily focuses on the interest and intrigue surrounding the possibility of life on the planet. However, the presence of water on Mars and the potential for life to exist there may make it an attractive destination for exploration and possibly colonization in the future.
Ключевые слова: existence, life, planet, Wales' novel, War of the Worlds, humanoids, earthlings, secrets, generation, description, Mars, satellites, Solar System, distance, arise, water, Earth group, development, soil, pictures, Internet, specialized magazines, stones, shadows, objects, buildings, monuments, remains, flora, fauna, secrets.