Срочно англ язык 7 клас

1. Read Tom's cooking ideas and complete the words
My mum loves cakes. I usually add a chocolate to my Mother's Day cake because she loves very sweet cakes. I use a large bowl and a wooden spoon to mix all the ingredients. My chocolate cake needs thirty minutes to bake in the oven.
For Father's day I usually make a fruit pie. My dad prefers the sour taste of lemons, so I put lots of lemon juice in this pie. First, I slime some apples with a sharp knife. Then I chop some bananas. My dad says my pie is delicious. He loves it!
Complete the comments.
Try something different! Roast a duck in the oven and boil some pumpkin in water. Don't worry! It isn't disgusting.
Make a super salad. Сhop some apples and slice some carrots. You don't need to peel the apples, but wash them well. Mix together for a great salad.
2. Complete the dialogue with the words in the box.
1. Nick: What's for lunch? I'm starving!
2. Nick: Let's have a look.
3. Dad: Great, Can you set the table, please?
4. Dad: Well, OK. Let's put the small table next there, in front of the TV.
5. Nick: That's was a great pie! What's over? I'm still hungry!