Срочно відповідіть на питання
10 What did people often do at the theatre in Shakespeare's time?
11 Who was born in Stratford-upon-Avon?
12 Why was the plague called the Black Death?
13 Who became King of England in 1066?
14 Who fought at the Battle of Hastings
10. In Shakespeare's time, people often went to the theatre to watch plays. The most popular types of plays were tragedies, comedies, and history plays. The audience would stand in an area called the pit, while the wealthier spectators would sit in the galleries. People would eat and drink during the performance, and it was common for the audience to interact with the actors.
11. William Shakespeare was born in Stratford-upon-Avon.
12. The Black Death, also known as the Bubonic Plague, was called so because of the black spots that appeared on the skin of infected individuals. These spots were caused by internal bleeding, which was one of the symptoms of the disease.
13. William the Conqueror became King of England in 1066. He was also known as William I.
14. The Battle of Hastings was fought between the Norman-French army of William the Conqueror and the English army led by King Harold II in 1066. The battle took place near the town of Hastings, and resulted in a Norman victory, with William becoming the new King of England.