Предмет: Английский язык, автор: lizakoroluk48

Find information about an interesting island or invent one. Use the questions in ex. 1b as a plan. Write your project.

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Автор ответа: sadieva2010


Wrangel Island Report

Wrangel Island ReportWrangel Island is an Arctic territory of Russia, located in the waters of the Arctic Ocean. It belongs to the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug. The occupied area is about 7670 km2. The terrain is mostly mountainous, there are glaciers, small lakes and numerous rivers and streams. Climatic conditions are quite harsh, it is the Arctic tundra, cold dry air in the summer can be replaced by warm air masses that get there from the Pacific Ocean or Siberia. Wrangel Island Report

Wrangel Island ReportWrangel Island is an Arctic territory of Russia, located in the waters of the Arctic Ocean. It belongs to the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug. The occupied area is about 7670 km2. The terrain is mostly mountainous, there are glaciers, small lakes and numerous rivers and streams. Climatic conditions are quite harsh, it is the Arctic tundra, cold dry air in the summer can be replaced by warm air masses that get there from the Pacific Ocean or Siberia. Wrangel Island ReportWrangel Island is an Arctic territory of Russia, located in the waters of the Arctic Ocean. Belong to the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug. The occupied area is about 7670 km2. The terrain is mostly mountainous, there are glaciers, small lakes and numerous rivers and streams. Climatic conditions are quite harsh, it is the Arctic tundra, cold dry air in the summer can be replaced by warm air masses that get there from the Pacific Ocean or Siberia. Wrangel Island Report

Wrangel Island ReportWrangel Island is an Arctic territory of Russia, located in the waters of the Arctic Ocean. It belongs to the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug. The occupied area is about 7670 km2. The terrain is mostly mountainous, there are glaciers, small lakes and numerous rivers and streams. Climatic conditions are quite harsh, it is the Arctic tundra, cold dry air in the summer can be replaced by warm air masses that get there from the Pacific Ocean or Siberia. Wrangel Island ReportWrangel Island is an Arctic territory of Russia, located in the waters of the Arctic Ocean. Belong to the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug. The occupied area is about 7670 km2. The terrain is mostly mountainous, there are glaciers, small lakes and numerous rivers and streams. Climatic conditions are quite harsh, it is the Arctic tundra, cold dry air in the summer can be replaced by warm air masses that get there from the Pacific Ocean or Siberia. Wrangel Island ReportWrangel Island is an Arctic territory of Russia, located in the waters of the Arctic Ocean. Belong to the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug. The occupied area is about 7670 km2. The terrain is mostly mountainous, there are glaciers, small lakes and numerous rivers and streams. Climatic conditions are quite harsh, it is the Arctic tundra, cold dry air in the summer can be replaced by warm air masses that get there from the Pacific Ocean or Siberia. The flora of the island is very rich and has preserved many ancient plants recognized as rare or very rare. Stunted vegetation prevails, there are thickets of willow. The fauna is poor, there are mosquitoes, butterflies, flies. About 20 species of birds nest on the Arctic island and about 20 more periodically visit this territory. The largest colony of white goose is located here. Of the mammals, there is a scribe, polar bears periodically come in, where they have ancestral dens, wolves, wolverines, foxes. Of the imported species, reindeer, sled dogs, musk oxen can be noted.

Доклад Остров Врангеля

Доклад Остров ВрангеляОстров Врангеля – это арктическая территория России, расположенная в акватории Северного Ледовитого океана. Относиться к Чукотскому автономному округу. Занимаемая площадь составляет порядка 7670 км². Местность преимущественно гористая, есть ледники, мелкие озера и многочисленные реки и ручьи. Климатические условия достаточно суровы, это арктическая тундра, холодный сухой воздух в летнее время может сменяться на теплые массы воздуха, которые попадают туда с Тихого океана или Сибири. Флора острова очень богата и сохранила множество древних растений, признанных редкими или очень редкими. Преобладает низкорослая растительность, имеются заросли ивняка. Фауна бедна, присутствуют комары, бабочки, мухи. На арктическом острове осуществляют гнездование около 20 видов птиц и еще примерно 20 периодически посещают эту территорию. Здесь расположена крупнейшая колония белого гуся. Из млекопитающих присутствует писец, периодически заходят белые медведи, где у них расположены родовые берлоги, волки, росомахи, лисы. Из завезенных видов можно отметить северных оленей, ездовых собак, овцебыков.

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