Предмет: Английский язык, автор: qweraff

Task 2. Fill in the gaps using proper words from the
brackets.  (the climate, queen, separated,  country,  occupies, Atlantic Ocean, mountains, summer, foggy, United Kingdom, river, Scotland).Написати тільки слова
1. The … … of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated on
2. Northern Ireland … the northern part of Ireland.
3. Great Britain consists of three parts such as England,
… and Wales.
4. The head of the United Kingdom is the … Elizabeth
5. Great Britain is surrounded by the North Sea, the
Irish Sea and the … … .
6. It is … from the continent by the English Channel.
7. The capital of the UK is London which is situated
on the … Thames.
8. There are many … in the north of Scotland.
9. There are many rivers and lakes in the … .
10. Thanks to the Gulf Stream … of Great Britain is
11. The weather is often … and rainy.
12. Winter is not very cold and … is not very hot.
Task 4. Make up sentences.
1. on/ is /Kingdom/ situated /The /islands /United.
2. lies / Ireland/ in / Ireland/ of / the/ north/Northern.

3. of/ Britain/ England/ Great/ Scotland/  Wales/ consists.
 4. the/ Channel/
from /separated/ continent/ is/ England/ by/ English/ the.
6. on /is /Thames/ the /London /situated/ river.
7. Scotland/ in/ are /There/ many /mountains.
8. Great/ is/ of/ The/ Britain/ mild/ climate.
9. often/ weather/ rainy/ is/ The/ foggy/and.


Автор ответа: GreyBoar


Task 2. Fill in the gaps using proper words from the

brackets.  (the climate, queen, separated,  country,  occupies, Atlantic Ocean, mountains, summer, foggy, United Kingdom, river, Scotland).Написати тільки слова

1. The … United Kingdom … of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated on


2. Northern Ireland …occupies the northern part of Ireland.

3. Great Britain consists of three parts such as England,

… Scotland and Wales.

4. The head of the United Kingdom is the …queen Elizabeth


5. Great Britain is surrounded by the North Sea, the

Irish Sea and the … … Atlantic Ocean.

6. It is … separated from the continent by the English Channel.

7. The capital of the UK is London which is situated

on the … river Thames.

8. There are many …mountains in the north of Scotland.

9. There are many rivers and lakes in the … country.

10. Thanks to the Gulf Stream … the climate of Great Britain is


11. The weather is often … foggy and rainy.

12. Winter is not very cold and …summer is not very hot.

Task 4. Make up sentences.

1. on/ is /Kingdom/ situated /The /islands /United.

The United Kingdom is situated on islands

2. lies / Ireland/ in / Ireland/ of / the/ north/Northern.

Northern Ireland lies in the north of Ireland

3. of/ Britain/ England/ Great/ Scotland/  Wales/ consists.

Great Britain consists of England, Scotland and Wales

 4. the/ Channel/

from /separated/ continent/ is/ England/ by/ English/ the.

England is separated from the continent by the English channel

6. on /is /Thames/ the /London /situated/ river.

London is situated on the river Thames

7. Scotland/ in/ are /There/ many /mountains.

There are many mountains in Scotland

8. Great/ is/ of/ The/ Britain/ mild/ climate.

The climate of Great Britain is mild

9. often/ weather/ rainy/ is/ The/ foggy/and.

The weather is often rainy and foggy

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