Предмет: Английский язык, автор: veronikazagnij2174

PROJECT 0-0 Work in groups of 8-10. What types of TV programmes can you watch on TV in your country? Look at the box in Exercise 3 to help you. Do a survey about the TV programmes the people in your group watch. Use these questions to help. What are your favourite types of programmes? Why do you like them? What types of programmes don't you like? Why don't you like them? Make a digital presentation about your findings. Add photos for each part of your presentation. Our favourite TV programmes The most popular TV programmes are... People like them because. they are... The least popular TV programmes are ... People don't like them because... Show your presentation to the class. What is the most popular type of programme?​


Автор ответа: ThisIsPE4KA

In our country, there are a variety of TV programmes that people can watch. Some of the most popular types include dramas, comedies, news programmes, reality shows, and game shows. To conduct our survey, we asked people in our group about their favourite and least favourite types of programmes.

We found that dramas and comedies were the most popular types of programmes among our group members. People liked these programmes because they were entertaining and provided an escape from everyday life. News programmes and game shows were also quite popular, as they provided information and a chance to participate in something.

On the other hand, people generally did not like reality shows and horror programmes. Reality shows were seen as fake and lacking in substance, while horror programmes were too scary and unpleasant to watch.

In our presentation, we included photos of different types of programmes and provided examples of popular shows within each category. We also included quotes from our group members about why they liked or disliked certain programmes.

Based on our findings, it seems that dramas and comedies are the most popular types of programmes in our country. However, people have diverse tastes and there is a wide range of programmes available to suit different preferences.

Автор ответа: kdela263


I love you very much I want with you

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