Correct the sentences.
1 I'd prefer travelling by ferry
to France when we go on
holiday this summer.
2 We would better call the
hotel to see if they still have
any rooms.
3 I prefer seeing the sights
than lying on the beach all
4 Vietnam was great, but I
didn't prefer to eat some of
the local dishes.
5 I had rather not to stay in
a hotel where there are lots
of other tourists.
1 I'd prefer to travel by ferry to France when we go on holiday this summer.
2 We had better call the hotel to see if they still have any rooms.
3 I prefer seeing the sights to lying on the beach all day.
4 Vietnam was great, but I didn't like eating some of the local dishes.
5 I would rather not stay in a hotel where there are lots of other tourists.
Задание на знание конструкций для выражения предпочтений.
1) would rather = лучше бы, стоило бы
После этого сочетания следует инфинитив без частицы to. Говорящий говорит о своих личных предпочтениях, когда он имеет выбор и предпочитает одно другому. Если нужно отрицание, то частица not ставится перед инфинитивом.
2) had better = лучше бы (передает предостережение или совет), после конструкции тоже используется инфинитив без to.
3) would prefer + инфинитив с частицей to
4) to prefer smth to smth else - предпочитать что-то чему-то другому