Предмет: Английский язык, автор: araylimzhanabay

Complete the sentences with the correct superlative or comparative in the list. happier happiest harder hardest higher highest better | best 1 the questions, the more money can be won by The the participants. 2 What's the 3 4 5 The exam I sat yesterday was the 6 Luke and Sally's engagement party would have been invited more people. 7 Askhat decided to climb the. 8 Some people think that the richer you are the way to ask someone out? day of her life. the salary, the more extra money to spend you have. one I've ever done. if they'd When Dina got married it was the The mountain in Kazakhstan. you are.​


Автор ответа: squidlux

Відповідь: 1. The harder the questions, the more money can be won by the participants.

2. What's the best way to ask someone out?

3. The happier you are, the better your life will be.

4. The highest mountain in Kazakhstan is Askhat

5. The harder you work, the higher your chances of success.

6. Luke and Sally's engagement party would have been better if they'd invited more people

7. Askhat decided to climb the hardest mountain in Kazakhstan.

8. Some people think that the richer you are, the easier it is to have extra money to spend.

9. When Dina got married it was the happiest day of her life.

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