Предмет: Английский язык, автор: akylkaliev7

2. Complete the sentences with during or while. 1. It all happened while I was living in India. 2. the students were checking their homework with the teacher, Bolot ran into the classroom. 3. 4. 6. 7. 8. 5. He dropped a pot of paint ladder. the festival Kyrgyz Shyrdaks there were different kinds of beautiful shyrdaks. his stay in Chile, he learnt Spanish. he was climbing up the Sabina was singing, the phone rang. the winter, all I want to do is stay at home, to drink hot chocolate and read my favourite book. the lesson, they discussed the reasons for the Second World War. 9. We were swimming in the lake 0. They live in a mountain pasture it was raining. the summer.​


Автор ответа: ThisIsPE4KA
  1. It all happened while I was living in India.
  2. The students were checking their homework with the teacher, while Bolot ran into the classroom.
  3. Sabina was singing while she was climbing up the ladder.
  4. During his stay in Chile, he learnt Spanish.
  5. He dropped a pot of paint while climbing up the ladder.
  6. During the festival Kyrgyz Shyrdaks, there were different kinds of beautiful shyrdaks.
  7. While the lesson, they discussed the reasons for the Second World War.
  8. While she was climbing up the ladder, the phone rang.
  9. We were swimming in the lake during the summer.
  10. They live in a mountain pasture while it was raining.
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Це приклад...

а) імпритингу б) хомінгу.Попомиге пожалуста!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Предмет: Химия, автор: t1xosha