Предмет: Английский язык, автор: metm75990

Срочно надо Е У меня 15 мин



Автор ответа: sakuovagauhar

1 didn't want, spent

2 A. Did you watch

B. came, played

3 went, swam, bought,

4. didn't sleep, got up

Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: weeerdsa
СРОЧНО ‼️ помогите пожалуйста

1 Do the pairs of sentences have the same or a different
meaning? Write S (Same) or D (Different).
1 A A lake is not nearly as big as an ocean
B An ocean is far bigger than a lake.
2 A April was a good deal hotter than March.
B March was slightly colder than April.
3 A Canada is almost as cold as Siberia.
B Siberia is a great deal colder than Canada.
4 A Last week's tornado was easily the most
destructive in Texas ever.
B Last week's tornado was by far the most
destructive in Texas ever.
5 A Statistically earthquakes are a bit more
dangerous than wildfires.
B Statistically wildfires are nearly as
dangerous as earthquakes.
6 A The longer the rainstorm lasts, the
greater the flood will be.
B The shorter the rainstorm is, the bigger
the flood will be.
2 Choose the correct options to complete the sentences.
1 I'm not quite)/ almost as fast as I used to be.
2 Chicago is windier that/ than London.
3 It's slightly / almost as cold as it was yesterday.
4 This year's wildfires are a good deal worse/ worst.
5 The longer / longest the river, the more water it
6 The tornado was a great / greatest deal more
powerful than predicted.
7 I'm not nearly / easily as tall as my brother.
8 Earthquakes are by far / far more dangerous than
3 Match 1-6 to A-F.
1 This September
was by far
2 The sea is far
3 The Sahara is
easily the
4 The longer a
wildfire lasts,
5 The volcano is a
6 France is not
A more powerful than
we realise.
B the more dangerous
it becomes.
C deal more active now
than it used to be.
D prone to earthquakes
as Japan.
E largest non-polar desert.
F the wettest in India's
4 Correct the mistake in bold in each sentence.
O1 The film was far better that I expected.
The film was far better than I expected.
2 Brazil is almost so big as the USA.
3 It is healthier, cheaper and far more safer than
driving a car.
4 The тоEarth is a bit of wider around the equator.
5 Reptiles can run almost as fast than lions.
6 The larger the volcano, the most dangerous it is.
5 Complete the text with the phrases below.
isn't nearly as green as the more it melts
not as cold as
a great deal more populated
by far the tallest slightly faster
The Arctic and Antarctic are poles apart! The Arctic
not as cold as....... the Antarctic, mostly due
to differences in height. The Antarctic is
continent on Earth with an
average height of 2,300 m! Because of its climate,
Antarctica ³.
the north: only
two flowering plants grow there, compared to 900
in the Arctic. What about people? Well the Arctic is
.: 4 million inhabitants, compared
to Antarctica's 45,000 summer visitors. And in the race
to the Poles, who reached them first? In the north it was
either Frederick Cook in 1908 or Robert Peary in 1909.
They were 5
than Roald Amundsen,
who arrived in Antarctica in 1911. The Arctic is in fact
just a sheet of ice and 6
the less
heat gets reflected, so the planet warms. Scientists are
very worried about this.
Предмет: История, автор: kristinagurianova512
Русско-турецкая война 1877-78 гг.
Отмена унизительных условий Парижского мира позволила России вновь заявить о себе, как о великой державе. В 1875 году в Болгарии вспыхнуло восстание против турецкого владычества. Подавляли его турки с особой жестокостью, сказывалась не только национальная, но и религиозная вражда – башибузуки (каратели) вырезали болгар деревнями (в городке Батак было убито более 5000 жителей) – об этом писали даже английские и американские газеты. На защиту болгар встали Сербия и Черногория, но силы были неравны и одолеть Турцию они не могли. Все с надеждой смотрели на Россию. Российское общество сочувствовало борьбе болгар – возникли общества помощи повстанцам (собирали деньги, отправляли в Болгарию оружие, медикаменты), тысячи русских добровольцев уехали воевать за болгар. Но русское правительство не спешило начинать войну, боясь, что европейские страны снова вступятся за Турцию, как в Крымскую войну. Лишь убедившись, что Англия и Франция не вмешаются в конфликт, Россия объявила Турции войну – перед этим турецкий султан отклонил наш ультиматум с требованием прекратить военные действия против Болгарии и Сербии.
1. Стремление России сокрушить своего давнего врага – Турцию.
2. Необходимость помочь братьям-славянам в их борьбе.
3. Стремление России восстановить свое влияние на Балканах