Предмет: Английский язык, автор: xmiplay82

Complete the text with the phrases a-f.
a) In contrast, the Red Sea is very hot
b) but it is very cold
c) it is only 55m deep
d) It is roughly 440,000km² in size
e) and it is also one of the hottest (28°C)
f) and there are many coral reefs
h) particularly for people on diving holidays

This essay compares two seas in the northern hemisphere. The Baltic Sea, in Northern Europe, is part of the Atlantic Ocean. It is about 380,000km² in size and, on average 2........ This sea is not very salty (one percent) 3...... Because of this, sea ice often covers nearly 50 percent of the surface. This means that there are not very many different animals that live in the sea. The Red Sea, between Africa and the Middle East, is part of the Indian Ocean. 4).......... and it has an average depth of 500m. This is one of the saltiest seas in the world (3.8 percent) 5........ This warm environment is ideal for thousands of species 6).........» and tropical fish. This sea is very popular for tourists 7)....... To sum up, these two seas are similar in size but the Red Sea is deeper than the Baltic Sea. The Baltic Sea is a cold sea with a lot of ice. 8)....The biggest difference concerns the biology of these seas. There are few species in the Baltic Sea, whereas there are many different species in the Red Sea. The warmer water also means that the Red Sea is a more popular tourist destination.


Автор ответа: igogo121314

This essay compares two seas in the northern hemisphere. The Baltic Sea, in Northern Europe, is part of the Atlantic Ocean. It is about 380,000km² in size and, on average **c) it is only 55m deep**. This sea is not very salty (one percent) **b) but it is very cold**. Because of this, sea ice often covers nearly 50 percent of the surface. This means that there are not very many different animals that live in the sea. The Red Sea, between Africa and the Middle East, is part of the Indian Ocean. **d) It is roughly 440,000km² in size** and it has an average depth of 500m. This is one of the saltiest seas in the world (3.8 percent) **e) and it is also one of the hottest (28°C)**. This warm environment is ideal for thousands of species **f) and there are many coral reefs** and tropical fish. This sea is very popular for tourists **h) particularly for people on diving holidays**. To sum up, these two seas are similar in size but the Red Sea is deeper than the Baltic Sea. The Baltic Sea is a cold sea with a lot of ice. **a) In contrast, the Red Sea is very hot**. The biggest difference concerns the biology of these seas. There are few species in the Baltic Sea, whereas there are many different species in the Red Sea. The warmer water also means that the Red Sea is a more popular tourist destination.

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