Помогите зделать English ДАЮ 17 БАЛОВ!!!

smile- a smiling face is a welcoming face.
say excuse me- if someone is blocking your way and you would like...
take your hat off when you go indoors- it is impolite for men to wear hats indoors especially in church.
don't greet people with kiss-we only kiss people who are close friends and relatives.
cover your mouth- when yawning or coughing always do it with you hand.
stand in line- in England we like to form orderly queues and wait patiently for our turn...
do not pick your nose in public- The British are disgusted by this. if your nostrils need de-bugging , use handkerchief.
say sorry- if accidentally bump into someone, say it....
it is impolite to stare at anyone in public-privacy is high regarded.
shake hands- when you are first introduced to someone ..