Допоможіть будь ласка зробити тест з англійської мови (дивіться фото) даю 50 балів
1. 2) Will you watch the football match on Saturday?
3) I think technology will change our lives in many ways.
4) Karen wouldn’t forget to turn off the air conditioning before she goes out.
5) I’m sure there wouldn’t be enough food or water for everyone.
6) In the future, we will operate the washing machine with our phones.
7) Will we have robots as teachers?
2. 2) I may not have enough time to see you.
3) There might be houses on the moon in 50 years.
4) We might not have enough drawers for our clothes.
5) You may need some more lights for the garden party.
6) The world may not be a better place than it is now.
3. 2) will
3) won’t
4) will
5) might
6) will
4. 2) I do my homework at the weekend.
3) I’ve got a new book and I think you will love it.
4) She doesn’t help me put the food in the fridge.
5) I’ll speak to them at school tomorrow.
6) They don’t think you will enjoy this music.
5. Для цього завдання потрiбно прослухати аудiо.
6. 2) would
3) will
4) would
5) were
6) mine
7) will be