Предмет: Английский язык, автор: cobanuvioletta

-n C. Now use the adjectives in (A) and complete the sentences using the comparative of superiority. 1. The air in the country is the city it is 2. City life is but in because there are plenty of things you can do. This is why living in the country can be 3. Cities are than villages and because more people live there. 4. People in the city may feel because they don't have time for each other. 5. In the country there is less crime, so people feel In the city life is 6. The cost of living is in the city. 7. There is a strong sense of community in the country and neighbours are usually 8. There is less pollution in the country and so people have a life. 9. It's quieter and It is in the country. in the city because of the traffic. 10. In the city there is more confusion and so living there can be Life in the country is much than in the city. 11. People seem to be in the city because they are always working and running around. 12. Life in the city is - in the country life moves a bit slower.​



Автор ответа: speedik1337


1. The air in the country is cleaner than it is in the city.

2. City life is more exciting but in the country, it's more peaceful

because there are fewer distractions. This is why living in the

country can be more relaxing.

3. Cities are larger than villages and towns because more people

live there.

4. People in the city may feel more isolated because they don't

have time for each other.

5. In the country, there is less crime, so people feel safer.

6. The cost of living is higher in the city.

7. There is a stronger sense of community in the country and

neighbors are usually friendlier.

8. There is less pollution in the country and so people have a

healthier life.

9. It's quieter and more peaceful in the country than it is in the city

because of the traffic.

10. In the city, there is more confusion and so living there can be

more stressful. Life in the country is much calmer than in the


11. People seem to be more busy in the city because they are

always working and running around.

12. Life in the city is faster-paced; in the country, life moves a bit


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