Предмет: Английский язык, автор: Анастасия4766

Task 6.
Look at the situations below and decide which area of civil law is relevant.
a Anna agreed to pay Paul £4000 to landscape the garden at her new house. Paul has now finished the work but Anna says she is not satisfied with it and she has refused to pay him.
The area of law is ____________________
b Caroline and Susan want to start a business together. They need a solicitor to draft an agreement for them about how they will share all the responsibilities of the business.
The area of law is ____________________
c Daniel wants his two year old grandson, Wayne, to have his house when he dies. However, if Daniel dies before Wayne is 21 years old Daniel wants his friend, Harry, to look after the house until Wayne reaches 21 years old.
The area of law is_____________________
d Emily has been in hospital and has been very ill after an operation. She thinks that the doctor was negligent and that he has made her illness worse by his actions. She wants to claim damages.
The area of law is ____________________
e Bill has been married to Ruth for 14 years. However, he now wishes to leave Ruth and live with Jane. Bill and Ruth cannot decide how to share their property between them.
The area of law is _____________________
f Phillip has received an offer to buy his house, but there is a problem with the exact position of the boundary. The buyer's solicitor must check this before the contract is signed.
The area of law is _____________________
g Elisabeth’s company transports goods from South America to England by ship. However, there was a bad storm at sea last week and the ship carrying the goods sank off the coast of France.
The area of law is ______________________
h David has been using the Internet to send a lot of private emails at work and his boss says that this is an abuse of the time for which he is paid. David has been sent home from work on full pay because his boss is investigating the situation.
The area of law is _______________________


Автор ответа: annakapitula500


a) Contract law.

b) Business law.

c) Property law.

d) Tort law (medical negligence).

e) Family law (divorce and property division).

f) Property law.

g) Maritime law.

h) Employment law.

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