Предмет: Математика, автор: mariakalinenko39

1515. У якій чверті розташовуються точки: А(-2; 5) , B (0,7;0,8 ) , C ( -1/3 ;- 2/5), D(9,8;-17,3)? дам 20 баллов!​


Автор ответа: timonbaklanov

Перша чверть - праворуч на горі (+x;+y)

Друга чверть - ліворуч на горі (-x;+y)

Третя чверть - ліворуч у низу (-x;-y)

Четверта чверть - праворуч у низу (+x;-y)


A - друга чверть

B - перша чверть

C - друга чверть

D - четверта чверть

Сподіваюся що допоміг!!!

Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: Qwerty1929
1. Choose the correct verb form
1. The concert is starting/starts at 9 p.m. Do you want to have dinner before that?
2. Have you met/Have you been meeting our neighbors yet? They seem really nice.
3. We are going/will go to the cinema tomorrow night. Do you want to join us?
4. Jane works/has worked at her dad`s restaurant every Friday night.
5. Watch where you are going! You are going to fall/are falling into this hole.
2. Fill in the verbs in Past Simple or Past Continuous
1. I (not/meet) Jack and Jane for coffee yesterday because I was too busy.
2. Chris didn`t hear the telephone ring because he (listen) to music very loudly.
3. What time (you/take) the dog for a walk this morning?
4. My parents sometimes (leave) us home alone when we were younger.
5. Sandra (water) flowers while Ian was cleaning out the garage.
3. Fill in with the correct passive form
1. Can you wait a few minutes? Your dress (shorten) right now.
2. These pictures (paint) by Picasso in 1937.
3. Computers (use) all over the world.
4. The theme of the next fashion show (not/decided) yet.
5. Tickets to this opera (sell) during the next week.

4. Rewrite the sentences in the reported speech
1. “They will return from Moscow next week”, Brian said.
2. “I`m trying to decide where to go on holidays”, Sara said.
3. “I spent last summer travelling in Africa”, Ted said.
4. “Write the essay properly,” my dad asked me.
5. “We meet friends every Saturday evening,” they said.

5. Choose the right modal verb
1. You shouldn`t/can`t eat so much fast food.
2. Frank may/must be late this evening.
3. I must/can go to the hospital. I feel ill.
4. He must/has to do this task. He is having a test tomorrow.
5. Can/may I read this book? I know English well.