Reading 1 1047 Choose from the sentences (A-H) the one which fits each gap (1-7). There is one extra sentence. A bucketful of worlds It's raining planets. Members of the science team for NASA's Kepier telescope have recently discovered more than 1,200 worlds orbiting distant stars. Of these. approximately 50 could be Earth's doubles. In other words, worlds that might be fit has already begun. 1 Simply because it would tell us that a planet is home to for life. This is big news and the search for radio transmissions from these world's inhabitants with technological knowledge. For 200 millennia, our species knew of only seven bodies: the sun, moon and His discovery of five bright planets with names from Roman mythology. 2 Uranus suggested that more planets might be hiding in the dark, outer areas of our solar system. Within a century and a half, Neptune and Pluto were also discovered Then there was nothing until 1995, when Swiss astronomers announced that a planet was racing around a rather ordinary star, 50 light years away 3 close to its sun that daytime temperatures on the surface would be several thousand It was so degrees In the years since then, teams of astronomers have used large, ground-based telescopes to hunt for more planets. So far they've found more than 500 extrasolar planets, which is nearly one a week 4 This incredible NASA telescope is able to find many planets at the same time. Apart from Kepler's ability to uncover multiple new worlds, it has another talent that the traditional methods don't yet have the ability to find small planets that aren't too close to their suns. Planets that are the size of Earth and in orbits that rean they might enjoy temperatures that could support life. This is an obvious motivation for the SETI Institute" to point their antennas in their direction. [5] No clearly extraterrestrial transmissions have been found. 3 percent Here's the promise though. These early results from Kepler suggest that approximately of all stars could have a habitable planet. Within a thousand light years of Earth There are at least 30,000 of these habitable worlds. Perhaps they're only habitable and not habited. [6] Or perhaps they have intellectually-challenged life. Maybe, but Kepler is searching. 7 Sure, nothing has been found so far, but 30,000 is a big number! SETI = Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence It was a world at least half the size of Jupiter. It's possible that they could all be dry and empty. More Earth-like planets will be found in the next few years, and they'll be observed very carefully for the telltale signs of intelligence. Then in 1781, the English astronomer William Herschel saw a new world beyond Saturn. E But this is not likely. F So far, they have searched these worlds for signals over one small slice of the radio dial. & That is, until Kepler's big announcement. Finding a signal would be very shocking. 7x2=14 marks
1 H
2 D
3 A
4 G
5 F
6 B
7 С
Лишнее предложение - E
Пропуски должны быть заполнены следующими предложениями:
1 H Finding a signal would be very shocking. - Обнаружение сигнала было бы большим шоком. (До этого предложения в тексте говорится о том, что уже начались поиски радиосигналов из новых миров)
2 D Then in 1781, the English astronomer William Herschel saw a new world beyond Saturn. - Затем в 1781 году английский астроном Уильям Гершель увидел новый мир за пределами Сатурна. (ранее в тексте говорится, что людям были известны только 7 небесных тел, а далее по тексту упоминается открытие Урана - his discovery - местоимение his относится к Гершелю)
3 A It was a world at least half the size of Jupiter. - Это был мир по крайней мере вдвое меньше Юпитера. (ранее в тексте говорится об открытии планеты)
4 G That is, until Kepler's big announcement. - То есть до большого/важного объявления Кеплера. (подсказкой служит следующее за пропуском под номером 4 предложение с упоминанием телескопа, названного "Кеплер")
5 F So far, they have searched these worlds for signals over one small slice of the radio dial. - До сих пор они обыскивают эти миры в поисках сигналов по одному маленькому кусочку/сектору радиошкалы. (тут говорится об антеннах, нацеленных на небо)
6 B It's possible that they could all be dry and empty.- Вполне возможно, что все они могут быть сухими и пустыми (речь о планетах, поскольку ранее говорится о 30 000 мирах)
7 С More Earth-like planets will be found in the next few years, and they'll be observed very carefully for the telltale signs of intelligence. - В ближайшие несколько лет будет найдено больше планет, похожих на Землю, и за ними будут очень внимательно наблюдать на наличие явных признаков разума. (это предложение перекликается с последним предложением в статье, с повтором слова found).