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Відповідь: They may look like ski boots, but they are in fact a new concept from Indonesian designer Adika Titut Triyugo. They are called Foki vacuum shoes and they have a built-in vacuum cleaner that sucks up dust as you walk around your house.
According to research, on average we spend almost 90 hours every year vacuuming the house. Furthermore, doctors say that vacuuming the floor with a traditional vacuum cleaner is bad for your back. The designer claims that vacuuming with the Foki shoes requires no extra effort and saves time. You just put them on in the morning and by the end of the day, your floors and carpets will be clean!
It isn't absolutely clear how long the batteries will last, or how noisy the shoes will be. Other questions that spring to mind are: will you be able to lift your feet off the ground easily while the shoes are sucking, and where will they store the dirt? (Possibly in your socks?)
The shoes are certainly not going to win any fashion awards – most people won't want to wear them when they answer the door – but they might make housework much easier and quicker!