Срочно… дам 100 баллов. С 1 задания нужно вставить в 2 (да-да, я плохо объясняю)
1 задание
1)the golden gate
2) st. Sophia’s cathedral
3) Pyrohovo museum
4) Independence square

Task 1. Match the parts of word combinations. There are two choices you don't need to use.
a) Cathedral - 2) St. Sophia's
b) Museum - 3) Pyrohovo
c) Gate - 1) the Golden
d) Street -
e) Square - 4) Independence
f) church -
Task 2. Use the word combinations from task 1 in the sentences below.
1) The Golden Gate is an ancient gateway to Kyiv, which is now located in its very centre, it is made of wood and stone with a small golden dome above.
2) Independence Square is the very central part of Kyiv. It has a large underground shopping centre, central post office, banks and restaurants.
3) St. Sophia's Cathedral is one of the most beautiful Kyiv cathedrals with a bell tower and chestnut trees around it.
4) In Pyrohovo Museum you'll be able to see old village houses, windmills and household appliances of different Ukrainian regions.
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