5 1145 Match the words in bold with their
meanings: quantity produced, becoming too
warm, is more than, produced, stable, available
space, not on land, quantity required, places
where water is stored, a network of electricity,
- quantity produced: the amount of something that has been made or produced.
- becoming too warm: getting hotter, or reaching a temperature that is uncomfortable or unhealthy.
- is more than: a greater amount or number than something else.
- produced: made or created by human effort or machine.
- stable: something that is stable is not likely to change or come to an end suddenly.
- available space: space that is free and can be used or occupied.
- not on land: in the water, not on dry land.
- quantity required: the amount of something that is needed or necessary.
- places where water is stored: reservoirs, lakes or tanks where water is kept or stored.
- a network of electricity: a system of power stations, generators, and cables that supply electricity to a large area.
- change: to become different, or to make something different.