6. Bach (wrote, has written, has been writing) universal masterpieces
in every genre, including the 6 finest concerti grossi ever written which (are
nicknamed, nicknamed) the Brandenburg Concerti.
7. Emily Blunt (has managed, managed, is managed) four golden globe
nominations in movies without getting on the Academy’s shortlist once.
8. In the 1960s new film genres (created, were created, were creating):
action, (musicians, musicals), documentaries, (social, socially) statement
films, comedies, westerns, and (horrified, horror, horrifying) movies.
9. A. Christie’s novels (have been sold, was sold, were selling) roughly
2 billion copies.
10. (Weather, Whether) it’s a family excursion (if, and, or) just one
person’s journey, russian (households, persons, companies) will sit down
for (a little, a few, couple) minutes before the trip to (ward, protect) against
bad luck.
11. (, The) Nile is a major northflowing river in (, the, a) northeastern
Africa, generally regarded as (the , , much) longest river in (, the, whole)
12. On the counter (lay, lied, laid) some (slicing, sliced) cucumber,
some (peaces, pieces) of (drying, dried) black bread, and some (fishes, fish),
chopped up small, all smelling very (badly, worse, bad).
13. Emily Blunt (is becoming, became, has become) one of the most
(respecting, respect, respected) actresses of her generation.
14. Her choice of (library, librarian) books was telling; the young girl
was (fascinating, fascinated) (at, by, about) a (variety, varied, variable) of
subjects and was reading (far, higher, high) above her grade level.
15. In Denmark if, by the time you turn 25, you’re (unmarried,
unmarrying), your friends ambush you (by, with) a cinnamon shower all day.
And if you’re still (single, alone) at 30, they cover you (with, by, in) pepper.
16. With the (advancement, advanced, advancing) of technology and the
(population, popularity, popularization) of the Internet, western culture (spreaded,
has spread, spread) its influence (on, over, to) various parts of the globe.
17. They gave Anna (, the, a) guitar for Christmas. She is very good at
playing (the, , a) guitar. On (the, a, ) whole, she is (the, , a) very gifted girl.
18. In Austria, Fingerhakeln or competitive fingerpulling is a serious
sport. Fingerathletes aim to drag their opponent (along, across, on) the table
(with, by, into) just the finger. Fingerhakeln also (plays, is playing, is played)
in Bavaria in germany.108
19. (Because, But, Although) a rock opera still (considers, is considered,
is considering) a musical, it (is referred, refers, have referred) to as an opera
since everything practically (is sung, is singing, sings).
20. Franz Liszt’s piano works are probably the most difficult (peaces,
pieces, parts) of music for any instrument. Even veteran professionals
(cancel, deny, refuse) to play No. 5, “Feux Follets.”
21. Meg ryan married (to, , with) actor Dennis Quaid (on, in, )
February 14, 1991. They (say, are saying, are said) to have fallen in love
during the shooting of their second film together.
22. Theatre of the united Kingdom (is playing, plays, is played) an
important part (at, in) British culture. The uK (has had, is having, had) a
brilliant tradition of theatre since the renaissance.
23. Jill had lived by (itself, herself, her) before (her, hers) marriage, but
now she was happy with her husband in (their, theirs) new house which (her,
hers) husband had built (him, himself, itself).
24. Indian cinema recently (to begin) influencing (, in, at) Western
musical films. B. Luhrmann stated that his successful musical film Moulin
rouge! (inspired, was inspiring, was inspired) (with, by) Bollywood musicals.
25. (Myself, Mine, My) I never read bestsellers on (, the, a) principle.
It’s a good rule of (, the, a) thumb. If the masses (will like, are liking, like)
it, then I’m sure that I won’t.
Bach wrote universal masterpieces in every genre, including the 6 finest concerti grossi ever written which are nicknamed the Brandenburg Concerti.
Emily Blunt has managed four golden globe nominations in movies without getting on the Academy’s shortlist once.
In the 1960s new film genres were created: action, musicals, documentaries, socially statement films, comedies, westerns, and horror movies.
A. Christie’s novels have been sold roughly 2 billion copies.
Whether it’s a family excursion or just one person’s journey, Russian households will sit down for a few minutes before the trip to ward off bad luck.
The Nile is a major north-flowing river in northeastern Africa, generally regarded as the longest river in the world.
On the counter lay some sliced cucumber, some pieces of dried black bread, and some fish, chopped up small, all smelling very bad.
Emily Blunt has become one of the most respected actresses of her generation.
Her choice of library books was telling; the young girl was fascinated by a variety of subjects and was reading far above her grade level.
In Denmark, if by the time you turn 25, you’re unmarried, your friends ambush you with a cinnamon shower all day. And if you’re still single at 30, they cover you in pepper.
With the advancement of technology and the popularity of the Internet, western culture has spread its influence to various parts of the globe.
They gave Anna a guitar for Christmas. She is very good at playing the guitar. On the whole, she is a very gifted girl.
In Austria, Fingerhakeln - or competitive finger-pulling - is a serious sport. Finger-athletes aim to drag their opponent across the table with just the finger. Fingerhakeln is also played in Bavaria in Germany.
Although a rock opera still is considered a musical, it is referred to as an opera since everything practically is sung.
Franz Liszt’s piano works are probably the most difficult pieces of music for any instrument. Even veteran professionals refuse to play No. 5, “Feux Follets.”
Meg Ryan married actor Dennis Quaid on February 14, 1991. They are said to have fallen in love during the shooting of their second film together.
Theatre of the United Kingdom plays an important part in British culture. The UK has had a brilliant tradition of theatre since the Renaissance.
Jill had lived by herself before her marriage, but now she was happy with her husband in their new house which her husband had built himself.
Indian cinema recently began influencing Western musical films. B. Luhrmann stated that his successful musical film Moulin Rouge! was inspired by Bollywood musicals.
I never read bestsellers on principle. It’s a good rule of thumb. If the masses like it, then I’m sure that I won’t.