Предмет: Английский язык, автор: dobrovana141

3) Choose the correct words.
1. Fred hurt him/himself while he was climbing a tree.
2. On Sunday mornings, Stephen wakes up, makes himself/him breakfast and reads the newspaper.
3. Diane didn't invite me/myself to her party! Can you believe it/itself.
4. My friend and I enjoyed myself /ourselves very much on our holiday.
5. Some people walk down the street and talk to them/themselves.
6. Did you and Mike do these puzzles by yourself/yourselves?
7. I don't need your help. I can do this by me/myself.
8. The teacher gave us/ourselves lots of home work for tomorrow.
9. Donna bought her/herself a new computer and she's really happy with it.
10. Janny looks at her/herself in the mirror for hours every morning.
4) Choose a, b or c.
1. _______ you like ice cream?
a. Aren't b. Doesn't c. Don't
2. Gina and I cooked dinner by ______ today.
a. Our b. Us c. Ourselves
3. ________ you Sylvia's cousin?
a. Isn't b. Don't c. Aren't
4. Listen! Think grandpa is talking to ______
a. He b. Himself c. Yourself
5. _______ last year in the USA?
a. Didn't Ron spend b. Hasn't Ron spent c. Doesn't Ron spend.
6. My uncle gave ______ a football for my birthday.
a. Myself b. Him c. Me
7. Annete's dad is going to buy _______ a camera.
a. Herself b. She c. Her
8. _______ the washing-up yet?
a. Didn't you finish b. Aren't you finishing c. Haven't you finished.


Автор ответа: vadimikolaev764

Fred hurt himself while he was climbing a tree.

On Sunday mornings, Stephen wakes up, makes himself breakfast and reads the newspaper.

Diane didn't invite me to her party! Can you believe it?

My friend and I enjoyed ourselves very much on our holiday.

Some people walk down the street and talk to themselves.

Did you and Mike do these puzzles by yourselves?

I don't need your help. I can do this by myself.

The teacher gave us lots of homework for tomorrow.

Donna bought herself a new computer and she's really happy with it.

Janny looks at herself in the mirror for hours every morning.

Do you like ice cream? (c)

Gina and I cooked dinner by ourselves today. (c)

Aren't you Sylvia's cousin? (c)

Listen! I think grandpa is talking to himself. (b)

Didn't Ron spend last year in the USA? (a)

My uncle gave me a football for my birthday. (c)

Annette's dad is going to buy her a camera. (c)

Haven't you finished the washing-up yet? (c)

Автор ответа: ilyavoronin08


Fred hurt himself while he was climbing a tree.

On Sunday mornings, Stephen wakes up, makes himself breakfast and reads the newspaper.

Diane didn't invite me to her party! Can you believe it?

My friend and I enjoyed ourselves very much on our holiday.

Some people walk down the street and talk to themselves.

Did you and Mike do these puzzles by yourselves?

I don't need your help. I can do this by myself.

The teacher gave us lots of homework for tomorrow.

Donna bought herself a new computer and she's really happy with it.

Janny looks at herself in the mirror for hours every morning.

Do you like ice cream? (c)

Gina and I cooked dinner by ourselves today. (c)

Aren't you Sylvia's cousin? (c)

Listen! I think grandpa is talking to himself. (b)

Didn't Ron spend last year in the USA? (a)

My uncle gave me a football for my birthday. (c)

Annette's dad is going to buy her a camera. (c)

Haven't you finished the washing-up yet? (c)


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