Interview about a Website Name of website:ebay. Users: The Web Site: The Founder: The public and ¹ shops Began in 2 Name: Pierre Omidyar Nationality: 3 ebay Today: First Item Sold: Broken computer gadget (laser pointer) Cost: $4 Number of people who work for ebay: 5 thousand Number of countries ebay has offices in: 30 Things For Sale: - cheap 6 - expensive cars 1995 Things Not For Sale: - knives 7
Interviewer: Can you tell us the name of the website we're discussing today?
Interviewee: Yes, the website is called eBay.
Interviewer: Who are the main users of eBay?
Interviewee: eBay is used by both the public and shops.
Interviewer: Can you tell us a little bit about the website?
Interviewee: eBay is an online marketplace where people can buy and sell a wide range of items. It was founded in 1995 by Pierre Omidyar.
Interviewer: What is Pierre Omidyar's nationality?
Interviewee: Pierre Omidyar is an American entrepreneur.
Interviewer: How has eBay changed since it first began in 1995?
Interviewee: eBay has grown significantly since it first began. Today, it has over 5,000 employees and offices in 30 countries.
Interviewer: Do you know what the first item sold on eBay was?
Interviewee: Yes, the first item sold on eBay was a broken laser pointer. It was sold for $4.
Interviewer: Wow, that's interesting! What are some of the things that people can buy on eBay?
Interviewee: There are a wide range of items for sale on eBay, from cheap everyday items to expensive cars.
Interviewer: And are there any items that are not allowed to be sold on eBay?
Interviewee: Yes, there are certain items that are not allowed to be sold on eBay, such as knives.