Предмет: Английский язык, автор: volsasha65

ОСОБОВІ ТА ПРИСВІЙНІ ЗАЙМЕННИКи Встав на місці пропускiв потрiбнi займенники. Nick had a dinner with (I, me).
(I, me)
He waited (we, us) had a dinner with Nick last night. in the car. (We, us) hurried.
Please take these food scraps and give (it, them). to the dog.
Ted invited (1, me). him)_____.
Children should obey (his, their) Excuse me. Is this (my, mine) or (your, yours) (Your, yours) to go to the game with (he, parents. dictionary ? This one is (my, mine) is on (your, yours) desk.​


Автор ответа: big410796


Nick had a dinner with me

He waited us had a dinner with Nick last night. in the car. We hurried.

Please take these food scraps and give them to the dog.

Ted invited me to him

Children should obey their. Excuse me is this mine or yours

This one is mine is on your desk.

volsasha65: спасибо
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New York, once the largest city in the world, is now only the ninth or tenth largest. Of its over seven million people, 52 per cent are white, 24 per cent black, 20 per cent Hispanic, and 4 per cent «other». As a Korean immigrant, Lee Chang-Soon is one of the «others».
Together with his wife and his mother-in-law, Mr Lee runs a fruit and vegetable store on Manhattan's Upper East Side. His workday starts at midnight when he drives his truck to the fruit and vegetable market in the Bronx. It ends at 10 p.m. when he locks the door of his store and goes home with his wife.
Here's part of our reporter's conversation with Lee Chang-Soon.
Reporter: Mr Lee, you're at work when the rest of us are sleeping, and you're still working when we're watching TV in the evening.
Mr Lee: Yes, in our kind of business you have to work long hours. I spend five hours at the market every night, and the store's open from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. People here want a wide choice of fruit and vegetables; every¬thing must be fresh and clean - and cheap!
Reporter: Your wife's cleaning lettuce right now and you're sorting green peas
Mr Lee: Yes. We have to be very quick. There are 15 boxes of strawberries and a lot of asparagus and cauliflower waiting. There's always work to do.
Reporter: When do you sleep?
Mr Lee: Well, when I get back from the market - at about six o’clock in the morning - my wife and I first unload and store everything. That takes us about two hours. After that I sleep for an hour or so. And I get a bit of sleep in the evening after work ...
Reporter: ... before you leave for the market again at midnight. Life's pretty hard for you and your family, Mr Lee.
Mr Lee: Yes - but that's the way it is. We want to get on. We're not complain¬ing

1. Дайте відповіді на питання.
a) Is New York the largest city in the world?
b) Where’s the fruit and vegeta¬ble market?
c) Where’s Mr Lee’s store?
d) Who runs the store?
e) How long is Mr Lee’s workday?
f) What hours is the store open?
g) When can Mr Lee sleep?
h) Can Mr Lee watch TV in the evening?

2. Вставте в речення прислівник або обставину з наведеного нижче списку.
always, at midnight, every day, hardly ever, in the evening, on Sundays, on the Up¬per East Side, still
a) Mr Lee’s store is open.
b) Mr Lee spends 14 hours in the store.
c) Mr Lee leaves for the market.
d) Mr Lee has time to sleep.
e) Mr Lee can’t watch TV.
f) When other people are watching TV, Mr Lee is working.
g) The Lees have got a lot of work to do.
h) There are many stores like Mr Lee's.

3. Вставте артикль a(n)/the там, де це необхідно.
a) She’s got a job as ... waitress.
b) You can use the jug as ... vase.
c) Mr Lee’s store is on ... Upper East Side of ... Manhattan but the fruit and vegetable market is in ... Bronx.
d) Are you still at ... work, Brian?
e) I always sleep for an hour or so after ... work.
f) Here’s ... part of our reporter's conversation with Lee Chang-Soon.
g) ... life is hard for them but they’re not complaining.
h) Here on the Upper East Side, ... people want their vegetables fresh and clean and cheap.
i) You can’t go by ... bus, you have to take ... taxi.
j) He’s got over ... thousand records.
k) There are public lavatories in ... Leicester Square.

4. Вставте: his, him; her; its; our, us; they, their, them.
a) Where’s Sally? I’ve got a letter for ...
b) There are thousands of Korean immigrants in New York. Many of ... are in the fruit and vegetable business.
c) Mr Lee starts ... workday at midnight. At 10 p.m. you can see ... lock¬ing his store for the night.
d) Life’s hard for the Lees but ... are not com¬plaining.
e) People on the Upper East Side want ... fruit and vegetables fresh and clean and cheap.
f) New York is the largest city in the U.S. 20 per cent of ... over 7 million people are Hispanics.
g) We always lock the door of ... flat before we go to bed.
h) In the morning we have to unload the truck and store everything. That takes ... about two hours.
i) I've got a nice present for Karen ... birthday’s on the sixteenth.
j) Life in New York City has ... problems.
k) People want their vegetables fresh. And they want ... cheap.

5. Доповніть речення (лише одним словом).
a) New York's one of the largest cities ... the world.
b) ... an immigrant you have to work hard.
c) Mr Lee leaves ... the market at midnight and gets back ... it at ... 6 a.m.
d) We always watch TV ... the evening.
e) We've still got ten boxes ... strawberries.
f) Mr Lee’s ... work when other people ... sleeping.
g) It takes hour ... to clean the lettuce.
h) Vegetables must ... fresh and clean.
i) It can’t ... too difficult to find the market in the Bronx.