Предмет: История, автор: brovarytop4ik

Чому Греки перемогли Персі ну програли Македонії?​


Автор ответа: bohdana56


Перемога греків у цих війнах пояснювалася більш високим, ніж у персів, рівнем соціально-економічного розвитку та перевагою вільного ополчення греків над Перською армією, що складалася в основному з воїнів, завербованих у підлеглих персам племенах, а головне тим, що для греків ця війна мала визвольний характер.

Становище грецьких міст-держав погіршилося внаслідок війни з персами, незалежність в якій вони зберегли, але понесли тяжких втрат, а також через внутрішні конфлікти та політичну роздробленість. Саме в цей час, зміцніла та почала процвітати Македонія, яка і скористалася ослабленням Греції.

Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: dashapo1ube
A different kind of vision.

A. Here’s a question for you. What have the founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, actor Eddie Redmayne and Britain’s Prince William all got in common?
Any guesses? Well, the answer is that they have never seen the world as most people do, because they’re colour-blind.

B. In fact, colour-blindness isn’t very unusual. Around 8% of men and 0,5% of women have it. Most of them are born with the condition, and often don’t find out for years that their sight is different.

C. Colour-’blindness’ isn’t really a good description of the condition. It is extremely rare to see only in black and white. The majority of people who are color-blind can see colours, but they can’t distinguish between some of them. For most of them, reds, oranges and greens have always looked a similar yellow-brown colour.

D. Most colour-blind people report that it causes them some problems. How do you know if the meat you’ve cooked is ready to eat? Or if you’ve spent too long in the sun? Imagine wearing two different-coloured socks all day, or driving through a red light because you think it’s green!

E. At school, students can find it difficult to identify countries on a map or information in a chart. They sometimes produce drawings and paintings with unusual colours. Today, some teachers have learned about the problems, and give colour-blind students support. Even so, most colour-blind people have learned how to manage their view of the world on their own.

1) Mark Zukerberg is colour-blind. true/ false

2) Not everyone knows they’re colour-blind.true/ false

3) The condition is more common in men. true/ false

4) No one sees only in black and white.true/ false

5) All people who are colour-blind see the same colours.true/ false

6) Most colour-blind people report that it causes them some problems.true/ false