2 Decide whether these sentences from the problem page are opinion (0) or fact (F).
1. He's so gorgeous!
2 My elder brother has been going out with his girlfriend for about two years....
3 If we move, I'll lose all my friends from school...
4 Don't say you're worried about his fiancée....
5 These situations often arise...
6... you have to think very carefully before you do anything
Opinion (0) - "He's so gorgeous" is a subjective statement expressing the speaker's opinion about someone's appearance.
Fact (F) - "My elder brother has been going out with his girlfriend for about two years" is a statement of fact about the duration of the brother's relationship.
Opinion (0) - "If we move, I'll lose all my friends from school" is a subjective statement expressing the speaker's opinion about the outcome of moving.
Opinion (0) - "Don't say you're worried about his fiancée" is a subjective statement expressing the speaker's opinion about whether someone should express worry about the fiancée.
Fact (F) - "These situations often arise" is a statement of fact about the frequency of the situations arising.
Opinion (0) - "You have to think very carefully before you do anything" is a subjective statement expressing the speaker's opinion about the necessity of careful thinking before taking action.