Предмет: История, автор: valentin2181

Які особливості розвитку Правобережної України ви можете назвати? (18 ст.)​


Автор ответа: vanzanazar83

зростання в них євреїв-орендарів завдяки протекції магнатів, зацікавлених у їх посередництві та орендарських послугах

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Read the dialogue about “Ideal Place to Live”. Mark the sentences TRUE or FALSE
according to the context.
When it comes to thinking of the ideal place to live two things come to mind. The big
bustling city or a small quiet town. My choice would be the small town for several reasons. One
it’s quiet. There are not a lot of people which can help cut down on crime and violence. Third
there are a lot of different sights and sounds that you don’t get to see nor hear in a big city. Last
but not least you normally have a better school system in small towns.
Population in the big city can be overwhelming to some individuals. That’s why I would
choose the small town. The town in is small enough that you can get to know your neighbors.
That can help you notice if something is not right or out of the norms.
Sights and sounds of the small town are like those of a fairy tale if you’ve lived in a big
city your whole life. You can actually lay out at night look at the stars. Listen to the stream run
pass your house. Watch an owl fly through the air looking for prey. On bright moonlit winter
night you could even catch a herd of deer walking thru your yard. In the big city you rarely ever
have that kind of opportunity to see those things.
1. The author prefer the small city. _______
2. The small town is noisy. _______
3. The small town has a lot of people which can help cut down on crime. _______
4. There are a lot of different sights and sounds in the big city _______
5. You can listen to the stream run pass your house in the town. _______
6. Population in the big city isn’t more than the town. _______
Total (6)

Writing. Choose ONE of the topics below and write an Essay
Topic 1. Our neighborhood
Write about the places you like in your neighborhood. Write what you can do there and explain
why you like these places. Why your friends should visit these places one day.
You can use these questions as a plan.
1. Where do you live?
2. What are your favourite places?
3. Are these places modern or historical?
4. Why do you like these places?
5. What can you do there?
6. your own information about
Topic 2. Transport
Write an Essay about using public transportation: pros and cons of public and private transport.
Explain your thoughts.
You can use these questions as a plan.
1. What kind of transportation do you use most often? why?
2. What kind of transportation do you use least often? why?
3. Why do people sometimes take a taxi?
4. Do you feel safe when you use public transportation?
5. What kinds of transports are the most popular and nowadays? why?
Предмет: География, автор: spasitemeniapliz
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