Предмет: Английский язык, автор: va1kyriebiana

ПОЖАЛУЙСТА, СРОЧНО !!!!!!!! track is What the f Wh wh liv 1. How was called the first machine with moving pictures in 1891? 2. When did the Lumiere brothers give the world's first public film show? How was called the first "talkie" film? 3. 4. What kinds of films do you know? Name them. 5. Who works on making a film? Name them. 6. Where do we buy tickets? 7. What prizes are the best films awarded?​


Автор ответа: sabitkyzyajym0


Since they were first invented, movies have become not just a source of entertainment but a place to discover parts of yourself, vehicles to pose philosophical questions, and tools to pursue social change. People tend to track the development of film via its creative movements, but equally interesting are the changes and technological progress made beyond what's on screen.

Movies aren't just the work of actors but also crew members, production studios, distribution companies, and the industry at large. Innovations in any part of a movie production can also mean big business. After all, the industry supports 2.4 million jobs in the United States, paying over $186 billion in wages annually. It is the largest film entertainment market in the world, earning almost $21 billion, followed by China ($7 billion) and Japan ($3.4 billion). The film industry is as varied and segmented as the people who help create each moviegoing experience. Each country has its own independent standards of production. This article looks at the broad strokes of global trends and innovation.

From cinema's origins with the Lumiére brothers to the impact of auteurs like Walt Disney and Stanley Kubrick, and finally, to the technological innovation of the 2000s, Giggster compiled 15 moments that altered the state of film production using resources like Screen Rant, Collider, and StudioBinder

va1kyriebiana: сори, я не уточнила тут нужно True and False
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