Make 10 sentences with new words
about food. Don't use dictionary.
Make setences in Present Simple,
Past Simple, Present Continuous,
Past Continuous. помогите пожалуйста
Present Simple: I always add a dash of paprika to my scrambled eggs.
Past Simple: Last night, I roasted a chicken for dinner.
Present Continuous: I'm currently marinating the steak for tomorrow's barbecue.
Past Continuous: Yesterday, I was simmering a pot of chili for hours.
Present Simple: She never eats anything with garlic because she hates the taste.
Past Simple: We tried a new seafood restaurant last week and it was amazing.
Present Continuous: I'm currently grilling some vegetables for a healthy side dish.
Past Continuous: While we were baking the cupcakes, we realized we were out of sugar.
Present Simple: He usually orders a burger and fries whenever we go out to eat.
Past Simple: They served us a delicious homemade pasta dish at the Italian restaurant last night.