твір інтернет в моєму житті 10 речень
Today, every person spends several hours of his day on the Internet. I am certainly not an exception. How exactly I spend my time on the Internet and what role it plays in my life, I will tell further. Every day I spend five, and sometimes more, hours on the Internet. The Internet helps me a lot in my studies: if I have a question about my homework, that's where it comes in handy.I can find any information on the Internet - from the correct spelling of a word to a complex chemical formula. Of course, very often the Internet contains incorrect information, because no one controls the content of sites and anyone can add incorrect information. Therefore, in my searches, I try to be careful and often check the information I need not only on several sites, but also in textbooks. And about learning: now the Internet provides a lot of opportunities for independent learning.