Предмет: География, автор: Laveri

Срочно,нужно написать путешествие по северной америке,чтобы начиналось-"пролетая над.....я видел",какие горы видел,каких животных,и вообще что видел​


Автор ответа: rokitkomaksim



Пролетая над безбрежными просторами Северной Америки, я видел удивительную красоту и многообразие природы.

Первым моим взглядом были величественные горы Рокки, простирающиеся на сотни километров, снежные вершины которых скрывались в облаках. Там я увидел прекрасных белых медведей, грациозных оленей и мощных лосей, гуляющих по заснеженным лесам и полям.

Далее мой взгляд упал на бескрайние прерии, где я заметил толпы быстрых бизонов, грациозно бегущих по зеленым холмам. Вдалеке я увидел огромную стаю караванов, пересекающих бескрайние равнины.

Затем я пролетел над невероятно красивыми Каскадными горами, с многочисленными водопадами и глубокими каньонами. Там я увидел редких зверей, таких как гризли и кугуары, охотящиеся в густых лесах и на горных склонах.

В конце моего путешествия я увидел невероятно красивый пейзаж Аляски, с ее ледяными полями и величественными ледниками. Там я увидел мощных китов, плавающих в холодных водах океана, а также множество других животных, которые адаптировались к суровым условиям северной природы.

Путешествие по Северной Америке оставило у меня незабываемые впечатления, и я надеюсь вернуться туда снова, чтобы наслаждаться этой удивительной природой еще раз.

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нужно сложыть план!!
THERE WAS ONCE a very rich merchant who had three daughters; being a man of sense, he spared no cost for their education. His daughters grew to be very beautiful, especially the youngest, who was called Beauty, a special name that made her sisters The two eldest had a great deal of pride because they were rich. They gave themselves ridiculous airs, and would not visit other merchants' daughters, nor keep company with any but persons of quality. They went out every day to parties, balls, plays, concerts, and so forth, and they laughed at their youngest sister, because she spent the greatest part of her time in reading good books. Suddenly, all at once the merchant lost his whole fortune, accepting a small country house at a great distance from town, and told his children with tears in his eyes that they must go there and work for their living. The two eldest answered that they would never have to leave the town, for they had several prominent merchants who they were sure would be glad to have them, though they had no fortune. But the good ladies were mistaken, for their lovers slighted and forsook them in their poverty. As they were not liked on account of their pride, everybody said; they do not deserve to be pitied, we are very glad to see their pride humbled, let them go and give themselves quality airs in milking the cows and minding their dairy. But, added they, we are extremely concerned for Beauty, she is such a charming, sweet-tempered creature who speaks so kindly to poor people and has such a friendly, gracious nature. When they came to their country house, the merchant applied himself to farming and Beauty rose at four in the morning. Before the others stirred, she made haste to clean the house and prepare breakfast for the family. In the beginning she found it very difficult, for she had not been used to work as a servant, but in less than two months she grew stronger and healthier than ever. After she had done her work, she read, played on the harpsichord, or else sung while she spun yarn.

On the contrary, her two sisters did not know how to spend their time. They got up at ten and did nothing but saunter about the whole day, lamenting the loss of their fine clothes and acquaintance. "Do but see our youngest sister," they snickered, one to the other, "how well she's suited to a life of menial labor. The family had lived about a year in the country house when the merchant received a letter with an account that a ship he thought had been lost at sea, that held on board dozens of bolts of cloth and silks he had purchased, had in fact safely arrived. The family rejoiced in the turn of their fortune. When the two eldest daughters saw their father ready to set out, one begged of him to buy her a new necklace of gems, and the other a thick golden chain, but Beauty asked only for a rose. The good man set off on his journey. But when he came there, oh such problems there were over who properly owned the ship and the merchandise on board, and after a great deal of trouble and pains to no purpose, he came back as poor as before, especially after he bought the fine new necklace and gold chain he promised to his two older daughters. Thinking he might come upon a rosebush to satisfy the wish of his youngest daughter, he led his horse deep into the woods. As the sun set and the wind began to howl, the poor man realized he was hopelessly lost. What's more, with the rain and the snow he knew he might well starve to death with cold or hunger, or be devoured by the wolves, whom he heard howling all round him. Then in an instant, looking through a long walk of trees, he saw a light at some distance. Going on a little farther, he noticed it came from a place lit with candles from top to bottom. The merchant hastened to the place, but was greatly surprised at not meeting anyone in the outer courts. His horse followed him, and seeing a large stable open, went in, and finding both hay and oats, the poor beast, who was almost famished, fell to eating very heartily. The merchant tied him up to the manger and walked towards the house, where he saw no one. Entering into a large hall, he found a good fire and a table plentifully set out. As he was wet quite through with the rain and snow, he drew near the fire to dry himself. "I hope," said he, "the master of the house, or his servants will excuse the liberty I take; I suppose it will not be long before some of them appear."
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: Аноним
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