Предмет: Физика, автор: dianaa20

На рисунку наведені графіки залежності сили струму від напруги для провідників A і B. Обчислити питомий опір провідника А, якщо його довжина 5 см, а площа поперечного перерізу 1 мм2.



Автор ответа: gulkiril04


1,4 * 10^{-5}Ом * м


Згідно з графіком, сила струму та напруга провідника А становлять

I = 3 A; U = 2 B

За законом Ома для ділянки кола: I = \frac{U}{R} = > R =\frac{U}{R} = \frac{2}{3}  = 0,7Ом

Довжина та площа поперечного перерізу: l = 0,05м; S = 10^{-6}м^2

Згідно з формулою опору: R = p\frac{l}{S}  = > p = \frac{RS}{l} = \frac{0,7 * 10^{-6} }{0,05} = 1,4 * 10^{-5}Ом*м

dianaa20: Дякую!
Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: egorhayyt2

1. Make sentences in Present Perfect
1. The teacher/already/forget/about the
2. She/just/see/that film/____________________________________________
3. Your brother/already/be/to
4. She/visit/Canada/this year.________________________________________
2. Fill in at, in, on
1. Can I visit you……………Sunday evening?
2. We must be in Athens………….June.
3. She likes getting up early……..the morning.
4. They are always here…………New Year’s Day.
5. It often rains………….winter.
6. My birthday is ……………. December.
7. I go to school……eight o’clock...….the morning.
8. They go to church……nine o’clock……Sundays.
3. Complete the sentences, using Present Simple або Past Simple.
1. In the morning my grandfather always …….. (to look) through fresh
newspapers. But yesterday he ………. (to listen) to news, because
there ......... (to be) no fresh newspapers at home.
2. As a rule, Denys and Bohdan ……... (to play) tennis on Sundays, but last
Sunday they ………. (to play) volleyball with us, for a change.
3. In the evening, Granny often .......….(to talk) on the phone to her numerous
friends, but yesterday I…….… (to answer) their calls, because Granny …....
(to be) out.
4. As a rule, my elder brother always ………... (to work) in the Internet in the
evening, but last night he ……... (to help) our mother about the house, for a