Предмет: Английский язык, автор: popovavaleria504

Напишіть будь ласка есе на тему з англійської мови "Today's lifestyle is more damaging to the environment than the lifestyle of past generations"​


Автор ответа: eliseevan3621

Ответ: Как-то так:(

Объяснение: Today’s lifestyle is unquestionably causing more harm to the environment than the lifestyle of past generations. Our modern way of living is characterized by high levels of consumption, waste production, and environmental degradation. This has led to a host of environmental issues, such as climate change, deforestation, and pollution.One major factor that contributes to our environmentally damaging lifestyle is our reliance on fossil fuels. The use of these non-renewable resources is the main driver of greenhouse gas emissions, which contribute to climate change. In contrast, past generations were more dependent on renewable energy sources such as wind, water, and solar power.Another aspect of our modern lifestyle that is damaging to the environment is our consumption habits. We tend to purchase products that are not environmentally friendly, such as single-use plastics and electronic devices that are designed to be replaced frequently. This, in turn, results in a huge amount of waste and pollution that is difficult to manage.Lastly, the modern way of life is characterized by a fast-paced, highly connected, and mobile society, which results in increased transportation needs. This has led to an increase in the use of vehicles, which contributes to air pollution, and the construction of transportation infrastructure, which often results in deforestation and habitat destruction.In conclusion, our modern lifestyle is more damaging to the environment than the lifestyle of past generations. Our overreliance on non-renewable energy, unsustainable consumption habits, and increased transportation needs all contribute to environmental degradation. As such, it is vital that we take steps to mitigate the negative impacts of our current way of life, such as transitioning to renewable energy sources, reducing waste, and investing in sustainable transportation. By doing so, we can create a healthier and more sustainable future for ourselves and future generations.

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Помогите с инглишом пожалуйста!!!! СРОЧНО!!!!!

I Вставьте оборот tobegoingto в правильной форме:
1. We ______________go to Africa on summer holidays.
a) is going to
b) are going to
c) am going to
2. What _______you __________do in the evening?
a) are/going to
b) am/going to
c) is/going to
3. I _____________see my friends at the weekend.
a) is going to
b) are going to
c) am going to
4. She _______________visit her relatives in New York.
a) is going to
b) are going to
c) am going to
II Вставьте предлог:
5. go ____a walk (идти на прогулку)
a) to
b) for
c) in
6. go ______withfriends (выходить куда-нибудь с друзьями)
a) to
b) on
c) out
7. print ____documents (распечатывать документы)
a) out
b) on
c) in
8. inputinformation _____acomputer (заносить информацию в компьютер)
a) to
b) in
c) into
III Дополните разделительный вопрос:
9. You like pizza,___________?
a) doesn’t you
b) do you
c) don’t you
10. She speaks German, _____________?
a) doesn’t she
b) does she
c) don’t she
11. They are 18, __________?
a) are they
b) aren’t they
c) do they
12. You aren’t from the USA, __________?
a) are you
b) aren’t you
c) do you

IV Дополните предложения, используя настоящее длительное время (PresentPerfectTense):

13. I __________________(live)here since my childhood.
a)have been living
b) have lived
c) has been living
14. Jane ___________(run)for an hour.
a) have been running
b) has been running
c) has run
15. The babies _____________(sleep)for three hours.
a) has been sleeping
b) have slept
c) have been sleeping
16. It __________(eat)for 4 days.
a) hasn’t been eating
b) haven’t been sleeping
c) hasn’t eaten

V Дополните предложения, используя toomany/toomuch:
17. They have ________tasks.
a) too many
b) too much
18. She eats ________sugar.
a) too many
b) too much
19. We drink_______ coffee.
a) too many
b) too much
20. There are ________kittens in the basket.
a) too many
b) too much

VI Дополните предложения, используя правильную форму глагола:
21. I wish I _______(can)run faster.
a) can
b) could
c) can be
22. He wishes he _____(be)in Paris now.
a) were
b) been
c) be
23. I wish I _________(know)English better.
a) known
b) know
c) knew
24. I wish my parents _______(visit)me.
a) visit
b) visited
c) visits
25.She wishes her cat ______(speak).
a) spoke
b) spoken
c) speaks