Form: we add "ed" to all regular verbs, Irregular verbs must be learnt by heart.
We use the Past Simple for something in the past which is finished.
He played tennis yesterday.
The children went to the park this morning.
We use "did" to make questions and "didn't" for negatives. The verb stays in the base form.
Did you see Bob yesterday?
They didn't come to the party on Sunday.
Form: has/have past participle
We use the present perfect for an action in the past with a result now or when we talk about a time from the past until now.

Форма: до всіх правильних дієслів додаємо «ed», Неправильні дієслова треба вчити напам’ять.
Ми використовуємо Past Simple для того, що в минулому закінчилося.
Вчора він грав у теніс.
Сьогодні вранці діти пішли в парк.
Ми використовуємо «зробив», щоб поставити питання, і «не» для негативних. Дієслово залишається в основній формі.
Ти бачив Боба вчора?
Вони не прийшли на вечірку в неділю.
Форма: має/має дієприкметник минулого часу
Ми використовуємо теперішній ідеальний для дії в минулому з результатом зараз або коли говоримо про час з минулого до тепер
1. I saw the twins in town last week. (Past Simple)
2. Have you ever met her brother? (Present Perfect)
3. Where have you been last weekend? (Present Perfect)
4. Have you seen Kathleen? (Present Perfect)
5. We didn't go on holiday last year. (Past Simple)
6. I love clothes. I have bought a lot this year. (Present Perfect)
7. What did you do last weekend? (Past Simple)
8. Dad has repaired the car, you can use it now. (Present Perfect)
9. Agatha Christie lived from 1890 to 1976. (Past Simple)
10. Granny still hasn't found her glasses. (Present Perfect)
11. Where did you buy your laptop? (Past Simple)
12. Oh! You painted the kitchen, I like the colour. (Past Simple)
13. What time did you get home last night? (Past Simple)
14. Emma! Your letter has arrived at last! (Present Perfect)
15. The weather has been good all week. (Present Perfect)
16. I finished work early yesterday. (Past Simple)
17. Sue's not here, she has gone out. (Present Perfect)
18. The weather was not very good last week. (Past Simple)
19. We have been to the cinema twice this month. (Present Perfect)
20. Brian lived in England until the age of 14. (Past Simple)