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Напишите данное предложение во всех временах:
Present Simple: He travels only by plane.
Present Continuous: He is traveling only by plane.
Present Perfect: He has only traveled by plane.
Present Perfect Continuous: He has been only traveling by plane.
Past Simple: He only traveled by plane.
Past Continuous: He was only traveling by plane.
Past Perfect: He had only traveled by plane.
Past Perfect Continuous: He had been only traveling by plane.
Future Simple: He will travel only by plane.
Future Continuous: He will be traveling only by plane.
Future Perfect: He will have only traveled by plane.
Future Perfect Continuous: He will have been only traveling by plane.
Напишите отрицание и задайте в се типых вопросов к предложению:
Отрицание: She hasn't been waiting for a Visa for two weeks.
Has she been waiting for a Visa for three weeks?
How long has she been waiting for a Visa?
Has she received her Visa yet?
Why has she been waiting for a Visa?
Who is responsible for issuing the Visa?
Найдите в тексте в се сказуемые и определите их время:
was spending (Past Continuous)
decided (Past Simple)
take (Infinitive)
asked (Past Simple)
answered (Past Simple)
added (Past Simple)
turned (Past Simple)
said (Past Simple)
will take (Future Simple)
have (Infinitive)
take (Infinitive)
Переведите предложення з активного залога в пассивный:
My luggage was packed by myself.
Our breakfast is ordered into our room.