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What do you know about Sweden? What is the country like? What are the people like?
Discuss these statements about Sweden. Do you think they are true(✓) or false(×)?
1)In winter there is only one hour of daylight.
2)Swedish people look forward to winter.
3)The houses are cold.
4)The houses are much better insulated than in Britain.
5)In parts of Sweden from May to July the sun never sets.
6)Londoners work longer hours than the Swedes.
7)Swedes always start work early in the morning.
8)Country cottages in Sweden are usually very luxurious.
9)All houses have a sauna.
10)The whole family like to sit in the sauna together.
Sweden is a beautiful country, with interesting traditions. Swedens nature is gorgeous and people who live there really cares about it.
Swedens capital is Stockholm, that is a enormous city. Swedens population is around 10,5 million people, which is 0,13 percent of the whole worlds population.
The main language in Sweden is swedish, of course, but there are five official minority languages as well: sami, finnish, meänkeli, yiddish and romani chib.
The people in Sweden are very kind, but if to be honest - there isn't any big difference between people from different countries.
1) It depends on in which part of Sweden you are in.
2)"On summer it's too hot, on winter it's too cold." - something that every swedish person think. And yes, some of us looks forward to winter, some not.
3) No! We have warm houses, but, of course, if you are poor - your house will be cold.
4) Yeah, that's true.
5) Also true.
6) Yes.
7) Swedes start to work from 8:30 or 9:00 a.m.. But it depends on which job you have.
8) Depends on how much money you have.
9) No, but it is very common.
10) Depends on families, sometimes yes, sometimes no.
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