Создайте класс животные, кошки, обезьянка. Класс кошки наследуюет класс животные, обезьянка наследует класс кошка с переопределением метода бег. На языке python
class Animal:
def __init__(self, kind, place):
self.kind = kind
self.place = place
#This class inherits kind and place arguments from Animal class (which can work for any animal)
#Initiates a Dog object with name, gender and breed parameters.
class Dog(Animal):
def __init__(self, name, gender, breed):
self.name = name
self.gender = gender
self.breed = breed
Animal.__init__(self, 'Dog', 'Ground')
#woof method, just prints an action for the Dog object with his name.
def woof(self, *args):
print("%s just did a %s woof" % (self.name, *args))
#getallinfo method, get's all the parametrs of both classes.
def getallinfo(self):
print("%s is a %s %s %s, sitting on the %s" % (self.name, self.gender, self.breed, self.kind, self.place))
#Cat class inherits the paramets of use for a Cat (similar things) like name, gender and breed, which they both share, also the getallinfo method and initiate them.
class Cat(Dog):
def __init__(self, name, gender, breed):
Dog.__init__(self, name, gender, breed)
Animal.__init__(self, 'Cat', 'Ground')
#Speak method, returns a print for a cat "meow" with him name.
def speak(self, *args):
print("%s just did a %s meow" % (self.name, *args))
#Here I create 3 objects, 2 dogs and 1 cat with selected arguments.
#And check for some methods on the objects.
Mickey = Dog('Mickey', 'Male', 'Bulldog')
Flora = Dog('Flora','Female','Pug')
Tina = Cat('Tina','Female','Persian')
Dog.woof(Mickey, 'loud')
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