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1. When people saw a flag flying from the roof of the theatre, it meant that a play was going to be performed that day.
2. All plays took place during the day because, in the Elizabethan era, there was no electricity or artificial lighting available, so daylight was necessary for both performers and the audience to see the performance.
3. In 1592, women were not allowed to act due to societal norms and gender roles. Acting was considered inappropriate for women, so female roles were played by young boys or men in drag.
4. There was a loud shot when the play started to announce the beginning of the performance and to attract the attention of potential audience members who might be nearby.
5. During performances, rich people, also known as the gentry, would sit in the galleries or private boxes, which provided better views and comfort. The lower class citizens, referred to as "groundlings" or "penny stinkards," would stand in the open yard in front of the stage