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The reporter said the police had caught the burglar that day.
Mr.Thompson said he locked his doors every night.
3. The lawyer said Mary would be a witness in court.
4. The policeman told the man to put his hands behind his back.
5. Kelly asked us if the police had arrested anyone else.
6. The policeman told the man not to move.
4.1. The policeman asked me where I had been at the time of the robbery.
2. The policeman told the man to stand against the wall.
3. Kelly asked us if we had phoned the fire service.
4. The lawyer ordered to go and see the judge immediately.
5.1. The detective explained that they had new evidence that proved who had done that.
2. She accused me in steeling her bracelet.
3. She promised to call David as soon as she got home.
4. He denied his being at the bank that day.