Предмет: Биология, автор: ignateva0

Як процес дихання пов'язаний із процесом кровообігу​


Автор ответа: 1234qwer432112344321



У легенях кисень з альвеолярного повітря переходить в кров, а вуглекислий газ з крові потрапляє в легені шляхом дифузії крізь стінки альвеол і кровоносних капілярів. Напрямок і швидкість дифузії визначається парціальним тиском.

Автор ответа: speedy2292




Процес дихання і процес кровообігу пов'язані один з одним і не можуть існувати окремо один від одного. Дихання - це процес, за допомогою якого організм отримує кисень, необхідний для життєдіяльності, а в процесі окислювання поживних речовин у клітинах організму утворюється вуглекислий газ. Кровообіг - це процес перенесення кисню та поживних речовин до клітин організму та виведення вуглекислого газу та інших відходів від клітин до відповідних воріт кровоносної системи.

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Such lovely, like, such as, too big, so that, a lot bigger, so
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A) Pamela is my cousin. She is in her mid-thirties and has
got short, red hair, green eyes and a warm, friendly face. She
dresses casually, usually in a sweater and jeans. She is a
journalist. In her free time she listens to classical music, mainly
Romantic composers like Chopin, Brahms and List. One of her (____) interests is gardening, which is one reason why she moved house. She has just moved into a big house in the country with a huge garden. It's (____) than her previous
house. In fact, my mother says it is (___) for one person and
Pamela will not be able to afford it, but Pamela has always been reckless, particularly with her money.

B)The house is on the edge of a village. It is quite old and
has got three spacious bedrooms, all with (___)lovely
views of the countryside that it is a really relaxing place to be.
There is also an enormous kitchen, (___)
to eat in, with an
old-fashioned stove. Pamela spends a lot of time there when she
is not working. The living room is also huge, with wooden
floors and an open fireplace. The walls are covered with oil
paintings. Pamela is an outgoing and sociable person and there
always seem to be people around. Fortunately, it is
(___) house that she has lots of room for parties.

С) Pamela writes for fashion magazines (___)
and works in another fair-sized room which she calls her "
office". has got a very relaxed atmosphere and has a
marvelous view of the fields and hills, though it is not
the other rooms. She works at a massive desk near
the window so (____) she has lots of light, and it is usually
cluttered with all sorts of things like papers and old coffee cups,
with books everywhere as she loves reading. Her desk is (___)
that she often cannot find her computer mouse! It is a
cozy room, and you can often find Pamela listening to music
here, sitting in her favourite armchair. She is not very keen on
the red and green wallpaper, though, which is rather strong! She
says it is completely tasteless and wants to change it.
All things considered, all the features of Pamela's house
reflect her personality an interests, and this is what makes it an
ideal place for someone like her to work and relax. I admire my
cousin because she is very independent. She is one of the most
likeable people I know and she is always cheerful.
Предмет: Немецкий язык, автор: YaroslavkaZhylkina