Предмет: Английский язык, автор: oliviadelemen

текст на любу тему на англіські на 100 слів​


Автор ответа: nadyapankova90

Clothes I wear and the world of fashion

Fashion is a form of self-expression at a particular time, especially in clothes, footwear, accessories, hair and makeup.

Looking good is very important to majority of people.

Some people try to have their own style and prefer wearing what they feel

comfortable in.

I'm one of those people.

I think I'm not a fashion victim. Life changes, so the fashion does too.

Have you ever thought what the world of fashion will be like in the future? I imagine that future will be very interesting and extraordinary. People will wear ordinary clothes with microchips embedded in them so that they can communicate at a distance.

Because of the microchips clothes will be able to change the colours.

Clothes will be waterproof to protect people from the rain and snow.

People won't wear coats; they will wear warm jackets in which it will be possible to regulate the temperature.

People will wear platform shoes so that will keep them above the ground.

There will be shops; they will be located in residential complexes where people live.

People will do home delivery.

People will have flying cars.

There will be inter-galactic taxis so people will be able to fly in seconds not only to another planet, but also to another galaxy. For the animals, there will be various shelters because people will donate money to


There will be beautiful, well-maintained houses in the villages.

Robot assistants will take care of those houses.

Each person will have their own robot assistant, which will do the washing, cleanin

playing with children.

There will be skyscrapers in big cities.

There will always be electricity as power plants will be located underground.

People will be able to clean the memory of shameful fragments of the past, so that

one would know about them.

Also, people will be able to type text on the keyboard with the power of a thought. At school, children will study using graphic tablets and computers.

This is how I imagine the future of the fashion and the future in general. I think it will be bright and wonderful.

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