IX. Give the general idea of the article in seven
Music and Memory
Some people are able to listen to isolated musical notes
and identify them correctly. This rare musical gift is known
as «perfect pitch» or «absolute pitch». It is not something that
can be learned. Either you have the ability or you haven't.
But most people, given the necessary musical training, can
acquire what is known as «relative pitch». This is the ability
to compare two notes accurately, to name a note by reference
to one which has already been played and named.
The interesting thing about the difference between
these two abilities is that they make use of different brain
functions. According to existing evidence, relative pitch is a
feature of a highly-trained memory. But people with perfect
pitch don't seem to be using memory at all. Instead they
seem to have some set of internal «standards» that allows them to name a note without comparing it to anything
previously heard.
Researchers at the University of Illinois in the USA
used this difference to try and identify the parts of the brain
used in updating short-term memory. They compared the
brain waves of two groups of musicians as they tried to
identify a series of computer-generated musical notes. One
group had perfect pitch, the other used relative pitch.
Each person's brain waves were measured by
electrodes placed near the front of the head. The really
interesting finding was that what are known as «P300» waves
were produced in abundance by the group of musicians
without perfect pitch, but scarcely at all by those with perfect
pitch. The «P300» wave, then, seems to be an indicator of how
much use the brain is making of short-term memory.
Scientists had suspected this, but if the only difference
between the mental activities of the two groups was whether
they were using short-term memory or not, the research
appears to confirm it.
Psychiatrists now know more about which parts of the
brain are associated with short-term memory, but the
musical gift of perfect pitch is as much of a mystery as ever.
The article discusses the differences between two musical abilities - perfect pitch and relative pitch. Perfect pitch is the rare ability to identify isolated musical notes without relying on memory, while relative pitch is the ability to compare and identify notes by referencing previously played and named notes. These abilities are associated with different brain functions, with relative pitch being a feature of a highly-trained memory. Researchers at the University of Illinois conducted a study using brain waves to identify the parts of the brain involved in updating short-term memory, comparing two groups of musicians with different abilities. The results showed that the group with perfect pitch did not produce as many P300 waves as the other group, suggesting they relied less on short-term memory. The article concludes by stating that while psychiatrists have learned more about which parts of the brain are associated with short-term memory, the mystery of the musical gift of perfect pitch remains unsolved.