Предмет: Английский язык, автор: bayramovkamronbek

2 Write first conditional sentences using the phrases below. get really fit have no money left build one meet famous actors help people who are sick 1 2 3 4 5 If I don't go to university, If you pass your exam, If I can't afford to buy a house, If I buy that DVD, If I work in Hollywood, If you become a surfing instructor, 6 7 If you become a paramedic, buy you a present get any qualifications​


Автор ответа: krykotenkosofia311

Ответ:If you buy the tickets, we can go to the concert next week.If I get in trouble with the teacher, I won't be able to apply for another job.If you get a degree, you will have better job opportunities.If you become really fit, you can become a sports coach.If I stay in bed tomorrow, I won't be able to improve my English.If you apply for a job in America, you will need to improve your English.If you don't do your homework, you will get a lower grade.


Автор ответа: cherednichenko338


1.If I don't go to university, I won't be able to get a well-paying job in the future.

2.If you pass your exam, you will be able to move on to the next level of your education.

3.If I can't afford to buy a house, I will have to continue renting or find alternative accommodation.

4.If I buy that DVD, I will have less money left to spend on other things.

5.If I work in Hollywood, I may have the opportunity to meet famous actors.

6.If you become a surfing instructor, you could get really fit and live a healthy lifestyle.

7.If you become a paramedic, I will buy you a present to show my appreciation for your hard work and dedication.

8.If you don't get any qualifications, it may be difficult to find a good job in the future.


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А природничими науками В технологією

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та перевіряй її, роби висновок це

В явища природи Г наукові факти

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Природничі науки

Географія, історія, математика, зоологія, біологія, фізика, хімія, астрономія, геофізика, геологія,

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Установи відповідність між об'єктом / явищем природи (1-4) та наукою, яка його вивчає (АД). Об'єкт / явище природи


Наука, яка його вивчає

1 рослини

2 30pi

• А астрономія

• Б біологія

• в фізика

3 грунти

4 блискавка

Г грунтознавство

• Д хімія